Why Do Need-Based Investments Work Better?

Have we reached all of the goals that we’ve set for ourselves in life? Leaving other goals aside, let’s talk about our growing list of financial goals that we set and try to achieve through our investments. Despite estimating that a huge amount may be required to fulfill our needs, we hardly take any actions required to make them a reality. Most of us adopt a laid back approach and do not match the savings required for achieving those goals. In fact, the question we should ask is whether have we even identified our goals and found out how much we need to save? Unfortunately, we end up compromising on our precious life goals like retirement, higher education for children and so on just because we cared a little less even though things would have been very different, had we taken this up on priority with all seriousness.

The fact of the matter is that people who have identified their financial goals and planned their investments around these goals are more likely to achieve them. It is very obvious isn’t it? We can see a substantial difference even when we compare the outcomes with 2 persons having the same goals and who are saving an equal amount of money today, the only difference being, one has identified his goals and mapped investments to the goals and one who hasn’t done so. What can be the possible reasons for the success of the first person in our example? Let’s see…